Physical dependence on alcohol is a serious condition that can contribute to the development of alcohol addiction and other medical issues, but help is available. If you or a loved one thinks they are experiencing physical alcohol dependence, do not hesitate to contact a treatment provider to explore your treatment options. Long-term drug or alcohol use leads to a state of physical dependence, where your body’s cells can’t seem to function normally without that substance.
Significant advancements have been made in understanding the neurobiological underpinnings and environmental factors that influence motivation to drink as well as the consequences of excessive alcohol use. More direct evidence supporting increased alcohol consumption as a consequence of repeated withdrawal experience comes from animal studies linking dependence models with self-administration procedures. For example, rats exposed to chronic alcohol treatment interspersed with repeated withdrawal episodes consumed significantly more alcohol than control animals under free-choice, unlimited access conditions (Rimondini et al. 2002, 2003; Sommer et al. 2008).
Tolerance, Physical Dependence, and Addiction Explained
When people use the term psychological addiction, they’re often talking about psychological dependence, not addiction. Psychological dependence is a term that describes the emotional or mental components of substance use disorder, such as physiological dependence on alcohol strong cravings for the substance or behavior and difficulty thinking about anything else. Tolerance is when the body’s response to a substance diminishes over time. A person may develop tolerance to a drug if they use it for a long time.
Using alcohol during adolescence (from preteens to mid-20s) may affect brain development, making it more likely that they will be diagnosed with AUD later in life. However, most people with AUD—no matter their age or the severity of their alcohol problems—can benefit from treatment with behavioral health therapies, medications, or both. If your pattern of drinking results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life, you likely have alcohol use disorder.
Anxiety Disorders
Tolerance is often noticeable when someone increases their dose of a drug, as their ordinary dose doesn’t affect them in the same way that it once did. The cause of the immune system dysfunction varies depending on the substance that is used. Nicotine and cocaine can weaken the immune system due to causing upper respiratory problems, whereas cannabis can suppress the activation of different immune cell types. We must be wary of discounting addiction in someone who appears to be doing well.